A delightful first for us here at Dream Guitars. This RMAF (Rocky Mountain Archtop Festival) themed archtop from the workshop of Ben Kahler of Tikatoo Guitars is as wonderful and sonorously exciting as it is visually vibrant.Figured Birch for the back and sides along with Sitka Spruce for the top. Lots of incredible innovations here, in lieu of f holes we have sound ports on the upper bout that create an almost three dimensional saturation affect for the player, and a powerful sonic experience for the listener. Also interesting is Kahler’s use of Roasted Black Locust for the fingerboard and various other appointments. The rest of what makes this guitar unique quite frankly speaks for itself. We suspect that you’ll be hearing a lot more about this incredibly talented up and coming luthier!
Other keywords/misspellings: Lutherie, hollowbody, inlay, cedar creek, boutique, jazz, duane simpson, multiscale