Hands down, an incredible instrument. It’s obvious that Sergei de Jonge’s formidable luthier skills were brought to bear on an excellent set of Ziricote and Cedar for this Nylon Crossover. Treble notes drip with buttery goodness, the bass is velvety but crisp, and the string-to-string balance allows for complicated chord voicings to ring out in all their complexity. Sergei added a soundport to the upper bout bass, a Venetian Cutaway on the other side, introduced a gentle radius to the fretboard (with EVO frets), and carved the neck profile to a pleasing hybrid of the Classical U shape and a C.
The lattice-braced Cedar top is deliciously responsive, and with the addition of a Barbera pickup this beauty performs equally well amplified. Weighing in at a spry 3lbs 11oz, this Crossover is built to be played and played, and played some more. An instrument of this calibre: a challenge to ever set down.