From the man who, quite literally, wrote the book on contemporary steel string guitar construction, we’ve got a beautiful example of a shallow-bodied Concert-size guitar. Decked out with Flamed Koa for the back and sides and topped with German Spruce, this little sound cannon from 1994 is more than ready to get down to the business of making music. Combining the dry attack of the former with the silky smooth tone of the latter, Cumpiano gives this guitar a voice which is equal parts Bluesy rumble and elegant Ballad. Featuring a slightly narrow neck (with the nut at 1 11/16″), this Concert is the perfect size for someone looking for a smaller package that can still bring home the bacon with regards to projection and sustain.
With a flatpick and Standard tuning, we were able to dig up some powerful, gritty grooves, but the cleanness of the trebles kept everything well balanced. Once we dropped the tuning into DADGAD and relinquished the picks in favor of our fingertips, the entire guitar became a much more nuanced creature, affording us an excellent expression toolset for creating different effects and moods. So: if you’re in the market for a Concert-size guitar which is smoothly balanced and incredibly lightweight and easy on the hands, this might just be the ticket!