Getting a Klein in your shop is like opening your birthday presents and finding exactly what you asked for: the gift of this Klein is, like all of Steve’s guitars, a gift of immense proportions. Frankly, we wonder were Steve manages to find so many gorgeous sets for his larger-than-life tops and backs, like the gorgeous Sitka Spruce and Flamed Maple here. Bound in yet more Maple and with Klein’s trademark asymetrical, pinless bridge, the body of this L45.7 is surprisingly lightweight (weighing in at 4lbs 3oz for the entire guitar), and features an access port by the endpin so you can take a glimpse into Klein’s complex and fascinating innovations in bracing systems, from the carbon fiber reinforcement to the flying X brace that shoots down to the sides from the center of the X.
As expected, the bass is cavernous, bone-rattling. Paired with crisp, agile trebles, that fearsome bass response creates a huge wall of sound with each strum–and just wait until you put this bombshell in altered tunings! Truly, the Klein guitar is a unique manifestation of contemporary guitar design; each Klein as powerful and complex as two or three lesser guitars combined. Plus, this L45.7 comes with a Calton flight case to ensure that no harm can come to it.