The next best thing to owning a pre-war Martin: the Pre-War Guitar Co. 000-28. This is our first Pre-War in the shop, and we’re excited to announce it’s surpassed all of our expectations, which were pretty high to begin with. Wes Lambe and Ben Maschal have teamed up to produce new guitars with all the airiness, volume, and presence of the rare pre-war Martins—guitars which won’t be locked away in a collection, gathering dust, but played out in musician’s hands where they belong. This 2017 000-28 features Brazilian Rosewood and Adirondack Spruce with their “new old stock” level of distress, looking minty as a well-loved 80-year-old penny. There’s faint finish checking and some light scratches on the pickguard, as well as a “finish repair” on the lower bout to give it that superb vintage flair. This guitar responds so well to fingertips and flatpicks, we had Allen Shadd do an additional demo to demonstrate how beautifully it plays for Bluegrass and beyond!
We’re impressed, Pre-War Guitar Co., but hardly surprised: this is exactly what a vintage 000-28 is supposed to sound like.
Other keywords: lutherie, 000, 28-style, distressed guitar, prewar, pre war, herringbone