Eric Weigeshoff’s got some good mojo working: our latest Skytop Grand Concert is a sharp-dressed firebrand in Sitka and Mango. The woods alone make this GC shine (gorgeous Bearclaw figure across the top, vibrant Flame Mango back and sides), right down to the Koa 12th fret. But put finger to string, and the real fun begins!
Brand new, this Skytop has a very lively response with trebles that cut through the mix with aplomb. The bass and mids are crisp and crunchy with a clean projection sustained up and down the neck. Slick setup is easy on the hands, and this pretty sans-soundhole guitar keeps on singing when you drop it into altered tuning territory. Twin soundports on the side give you a glimpse into Eric’s bracing style, and the paired Ziricote bridge and fretboard set off the Bearclaw Sitka in a classic study of light and dark.
Already this explosive and it’s brand new? We shudder to think how this latest Skytop GC will blossom with the addition of a few hours’ play time.
Common Misspellings: weigshoff, weigeshof, wegeshoff, sky top, sikta, ziricode