We are happy to offer you a Lowden right out of their specialty shop. This O38 Custom brings some heavy hitters to the wood table: Brazilian Rosewood back and sides, Engelmann Spruce top, and an elegant 5-piece Mahogany neck. Not impressed? Consider the fact that this guitar was built in 1994: that Rosewood and Spruce has opened up nicely and gives the guitar an enveloping warmth. In addition to a perfect setup making this Lowden a breeze to play, it also means the guitar projects exceedingly well, without washout. In fact, the guitar responds very well to Fingerstyle playing, but the tone doesn’t become distorted when flatpicked–chords, solos, bass lines maintain a pianistic articulation across all registers. Plus, there’s a graceful leaf abalone inlay on the fretboard, complementing the softer curves of the upper and lower bouts. This is a beautiful workhorse: a guitar for every application.