Fully opened up and effortlessly playable, the voice and overall setup can both be described in one word: glassy. This 1998 Traugott Model R features an incredible set of Brazilian Rosewood with brick-red hues and stunning grain. While tightly quartered, the back has a dramatic red streaks across the center, and the sides have some beautiful patterns reminscent of the veins in a feather. This Traugott has the sort of Brazilian Rosewood and German Spruce that any luthier would beg, borrow, and steal to have. We’re talking grandmaster grade, folks. Thankfully these magnificent sets found their way into Jeff’s hands–he’s put them to fine use!
This Model R has the pristine clarity that all Traugotts share, but there’s also an extra dose of juiciness in the trebles to separate from its brethren. A jaw-dropping fingerstyle guitar, this Model R handles all tunings with ease, and be prepared to wear ear plugs once you put finger to string–this baby sings like a rifle shot.