Ramirez, Jose
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Builder Hometown:
Madrid, Spain
Artists who play these instruments:
Christopher Parkening, Andres Segovia
Models Offered:
1a, Elite, Centenary, Anniversary, Traditional, Special, Flamenco, AC650-NY, C86-CWE, E Series, R Series, Model GH, Model SP
From the time when Jose Ramirez I installed his workshop in Concepcion Jeronima no. 2 at the end of the ninteeenth century, the shop has sold Ramirez guitars through four generations.Jose Ramirez III changed the situation when, due to the increasing demand for guitars at the beginning of the 1960s, he moved his workshop to General Margallo street. There he taught new artisans, leaving the establishment in Concepcion Jeronima solely as shop open to the public.At the beginning of the seventies he opened a larger shop in front of the old, in the number 5 of Concepcion Jeronima. The little shop remained closed until the end of the eighties, when Jose Ramirez IV and his sister Amalia decided to restore and reopen it.In 1995 they were obliged to abandon the venerable establishment due to the impossibility of renewing the lease. They bought a new space in the same area where, in addition to acquiring a guitar, one can view part of the Ramirez family’s guitar collection, including examples not only made by the Ramirez dynasty, but also, amongst others, Antonio de Torres, Santos Hermandez, Dionisio Guerra, Francisco Simplicio, and Manuel Munoa.