Schwartz, Sheldon Learn More +
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In 1992 I decided to pursue a full-time career in guitar building. Not having any real training, I enrolled in David Freeman’s guitar building course at Timeless Instruments. That’s where I built my first acoustic guitar. Shortly after the course I rented a space in a cabinetmaker’s shop and built three more acoustic guitars. My next shop was in the basement of my house. I was there for four or five years before having to get a bigger space.
In April of 2002, I moved into my new shop. This is an 1800 sq. ft. building, built specifically for guitar making. I hired an engineer to do the architectural drawings to my specs. Its very well insulated and provides an extremely stable climate for guitar building. I have north facing windows, which I have found to be the best light to work in and a clean room with a finishing area. I’ve got a lot of space… at least for now.