Kinnaird, Stephen Learn More +
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It was a turning point for my brother John and me when we visited the shop of J. Rhyne, a luthier in Atlanta, GA. Before then I assumed guitars could only be made in factories. It was a revelation to see a lone individual making world class instruments. We left that day with the ambition to do the same. So while I was finishing a degree in music, I was also studying as much as I could find about guitar construction.
By the year 1980, I felt confident enough to accept a commission to build a guitar for a friend. In a few months’ time that first guitar was finished, and I was hooked. In the ensuing years I have developed a style that shows an appreciation of the great guitars of the past, while leaving room for personal expression. As a custom builder each instrument is approached as unique, and no two are exactly alike. I find great satisfaction in the challenge of designing an instrument that meets the needs of each customer.